How to Clean Hardwood Floors: Dos and Don'ts

How to Clean Hardwood Floors: Dos and Don'ts

Hardwood floors are one of the popular choices for countless homeowners due to their beauty, durability, and timeless appeal. The hardwood flooring designs add warmth, elegance, and style to any room. However, cleaning solid hardwood flooring requires some special care to prevent damage and maintain its appearance. That's why it's important to know the dos and don'ts of cleaning hardwood floors. 

Let's explore some of the best practices for cleaning hardwood floors so they look their best for years to come.

Dos of Cleaning Hardwood Floors

Cleaning hardwood floors can help maintain their beauty and extend their lifespan, but it's important to do it properly. You can keep them looking their best by doing the following:

  • Sweep or vacuum regularly

Sweeping or vacuuming your hardwood floors regularly is one of the best alternatives to keep them clean. Dust, dirt, and debris can scratch the surface of the hardwood if left to accumulate. Use a soft-bristled broom or a vacuum cleaner with a hardwood floor attachment to remove any loose dirt and debris.

  • Use a damp mop

When it comes to mopping hardwood floors, use a minimal amount of water. Using too much water can damage the wood. Use a damp mop and a hardwood floor cleaner to remove dirt or stains. Ensure the mop is only damp, not wet, to avoid water damage.

  • Clean spills immediately

When spills happen, cleaning them up right away is important. If left unattended, spills can penetrate the wood, cause stains, or even warp the wood. Wipe any spills quickly with a soft, clean cloth or paper towel.

  • Use furniture pads

Furniture can cause scratches and damage to hardwood floors. To prevent this, use furniture pads on the legs of chairs, tables, and other heavy items. These pads will help distribute the furniture's weight evenly and prevent scratches.

  • Use a humidifier

Wood is a natural material that expands and contracts in response to temperature and humidity conditions. To prevent the wood from drying out and cracking, use a humidifier to maintain a consistent humidity level in your home.

  • Use the right cleaning products

When cleaning hardwood floors, it's essential to use the right products. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners since they might cause harm. Instead, use a pH-neutral cleaner designed specifically for hardwood floors. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and test any new cleaner in a small, inconspicuous area.

Don'ts of Cleaning Hardwood Floors

While there are many dos when cleaning hardwood floors, there are also some important don'ts to remember. You can protect your hardwood floors and maintain their beauty by avoiding the following:

  • Don’t use vinegar or ammonia-based cleaners

While vinegar and ammonia are great for cleaning many surfaces, they are not recommended for hardwood floors. These cleaners can strip the finish on the wood, causing it to become dull and damaged. Stick to a hardwood floor cleaner specifically formulated for use on wood floors.

  • Don’t use a steam mop

Can you steam-clean hardwood floors? Steam mops use heat and moisture to clean floors, which can be damaging to hardwood. The high temperatures and humidity can cause the wood to swell and warp. Avoid using a steam mop on your hardwood floors. 

  • Don’t use abrasive cleaners or tools

Abrasive cleaners and tools, such as steel wool or harsh scrub brushes, can scratch and damage the surface of the wood. Stick to gentle, non-abrasive cleaners and soft-bristled brushes or cloths.

  • Don’t let dirt and debris accumulate

Dirt and debris can scratch the surface of hardwood floors if left to accumulate. Make sure to sweep or vacuum your floors regularly to prevent this from happening.

  • Don’t use too much water

One of the most common mistakes when cleaning hardwood floors is using too much water. Hardwood floors are not designed to withstand excessive moisture; too much water can cause warping, cupping, or damage to the finish.

Keeping your hardwood floors clean and in good condition is essential for the longevity and elegance of your home. You can avoid damage and keep your hardwood floors looking new for years by following these cleaning dos and don'ts.

BONUS: Tips & Tricks to Keep Hardwood Floors Looking at Their Best

Here are a few other tips and tricks that can help keep your hardwood flooring in Toronto looking at its best:

1. Use a microfiber mop or cloth 

Microfiber is a great material for cleaning hardwood floors because it is gentle and effective at picking up dirt and debris.

2. Avoid wearing heels or shoes with cleats

High heels and shoes with cleats can scratch and damage hardwood floors, so it's best to avoid wearing them indoors.

3. Place doormats at entrances

Placing doormats at entrances can help prevent dirt and debris from being tracked onto your hardwood floors, reducing the need for frequent cleaning.

4. Consider refinishing your hardwood floors

If your hardwood floors look dull or scratched, consider having them refinished. This process involves sanding down the surface of the wood and applying a new finish, which can make your floors look new again.

5. Don't wax your hardwood floors

Waxing hardwood floors was a popular cleaning method, but it's no longer recommended. Wax can build up on the surface of the wood, making it difficult to clean and potentially causing damage over time.

Cleaning hardwood floors requires some care and attention, but keeping them looking their best is worth it. By following these dos and don'ts and implementing some additional tips and tricks, you can maintain the beauty and durability of your hardwood floors for a lifetime.

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